#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Mondoo, Inc. # License: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # The Mondoo installation script installs cnspec and cnquery on supported # Linux distros and macOS using its native package manager. # # Use this command to install cnspec and cnquery on your system with this script: # # bash -c "$(curl -sSL https://install.mondoo.com/sh/cnquery)" # # The script detects the operating system and uses the appropriate package. # To override the automatic detection, you can set the -i flag to specify # the package type explicitly (supported on macOS). # # Supported package types are: # - pkg (macOS) # - brew (macOS) # # (Optional) To authenticate the installation, you can provide a Mondoo # Registration Token with the -t flag. The token is used to authenticate # the client with Mondoo Platform. Systemd services are only activated # if Mondoo is properly authenticated. # # Please note that we aim to be POSIX-compatible in this script. # If you find anything that violates these constraints, please reach out. # See: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/73750/difference-between-function-foo-and-foo MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME="mondoo package for cnquery and cnspec" # product name MONDOO_PKG_NAME="mondoo" # pkg name in the package repository MONDOO_BINARY="cnspec" # binary that we search for # read bash flags MONDOO_INSTALLER='' MONDOO_SERVICE='' MONDOO_REGISTRATION_TOKEN='' TIMER='60' SPLAY='60' print_usage() { echo "usage: [-i]" >&2 echo " Options: " >&2 echo " -i : Select a specific installer, options are:" >&2 echo " macOS: brew, pkg" >&2 echo " -s : Enables the cnspec service for the system. This option requires a registration token" >&2 echo " options are: enable" >&2 echo " -t : Registration Token to authenticate with" >&2 echo " Mondoo Platform" >&2 echo " -u : Enables the Mondoo auto updater for the system." >&2 echo " options are: enable" >&2 echo " -r : Change the scan interval." >&2 echo " Default 60 minutes" >&2 echo " -y : Change the splay." >&2 echo " Default 60 minutes" >&2 } while getopts 'i:s:u:vt:vr:y:' flag; do case "${flag}" in i) MONDOO_INSTALLER="${OPTARG}" ;; s) MONDOO_SERVICE="${OPTARG}" ;; t) MONDOO_REGISTRATION_TOKEN="${OPTARG}" ;; u) MONDOO_AUTOUPDATER="${OPTARG}" ;; r) TIMER="${OPTARG}" ;; y) SPLAY="${OPTARG}" ;; *) print_usage exit 1 ;; esac done # define colors end="\033[0m" red="\033[0;31m" redb="\033[1;31m" lightblue="\033[0;36m" lightblueb="\033[1;36m" green="\033[0;32m" greenb="\033[1;32m" purple="\033[0;35m" purpleb="\033[1;35m" red() { echo -e "${red}${1}${end}"; } red_bold() { echo -e "${redb}${1}${end}"; } green() { echo -e "${green}${1}${end}"; } green_bold() { echo -e "${greenb}${1}${end}"; } lightblue() { echo -e "${lightblue}${1}${end}"; } lightblue_bold() { echo -e "${lightblueb}${1}${end}"; } purple() { echo -e "${purple}${1}${end}"; } purple_bold() { echo -e "${purpleb}${1}${end}"; } on_error() { red "The ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} install script encountered a problem. For assistance, please join our community on GitHub Discussions." echo echo "* Mondoo Community GitHub Discussions https://github.com/orgs/mondoohq/discussions" echo echo "* GitHub: https://github.com/mondoohq/installer" echo exit 1 } # register a trap for error signals trap on_error ERR purple_bold "${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} Installer" purple " .-. : : ,-.,-.,-. .--. ,-.,-. .-' : .--. .--. ™ : ,. ,. :' .; :: ,. :' .; :' .; :' .; : :_;:_;:_;\`.__.':_;:_;\`.__.'\`.__.'\`.__. " echo -e "\nWelcome to the ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} installer. We will auto-detect your operating system to determine the best installation method. If you experience any issues, please reach us at: * Mondoo Community GitHub Discussions: https://github.com/orgs/mondoohq/discussions This installer is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * GitHub: https://github.com/mondoohq/installer " if [ "${MONDOO_INSTALLER}" != '' ]; then echo -e "\nUser defined package type: $MONDOO_INSTALLER"; fi if [ "${MONDOO_SERVICE}" != '' ]; then echo -e "\nMondoo Service creation enabled"; fi if [ "${MONDOO_AUTOUPDATER}" != '' ]; then echo -e "\nMondoo auto updater creation enabled"; fi # Detect operating system # ----------------------- # Store detected value in $OS KNOWN_DISTRIBUTION="(RedHat|Red Hat|CentOS|Debian|Ubuntu|openSUSE|Amazon|SUSE|Arch Linux|AlmaLinux|Rocky Linux)" DISTRIBUTION="$( lsb_release -d 2>/dev/null | grep -Eo "$KNOWN_DISTRIBUTION" || grep -m1 -Eo "$KNOWN_DISTRIBUTION" /etc/os-release 2>/dev/null || grep -Eo "$KNOWN_DISTRIBUTION" /etc/issue 2>/dev/null || uname -s )" if [ "$DISTRIBUTION" = "Darwin" ]; then OS="macOS" elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "Debian" ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "Ubuntu" ]; then OS="Debian" elif [ "$AWS_EXECUTION_ENV" == "CloudShell" ]; then OS="AWSCloudShell" elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "RedHat" ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "CentOS" ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "Amazon" ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "AlmaLinux" ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "Rocky Linux" ]; then OS="RedHat" elif [ -f /etc/photon-release ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "Photon" ]; then # NOTE: it requires tdnf >= 2.1.2-3.ph3, before remote http gpg keys were not supported OS="RedHat" # openSUSE and SUSE use /etc/SuSE-release elif [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "SUSE" ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "openSUSE" ]; then OS="Suse" elif [ -f /etc/arch-release ] || [ "$DISTRIBUTION" == "Arch" ]; then OS="Arch" fi # Installation detection # ---------------------- # Note: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/592620/how-can-i-check-if-a-program-exists-from-a-bash-script # To be POSIX-compatible, we will use 'command' instead of 'hash' or 'type'. # MONDOO_BINARY_PATH="${MONDOO_BINARY}" # default expects the binary in default path MONDOO_EXECUTABLE="" MONDOO_INSTALLED=false UserAgent="MondooInstallScript/1.0 (+https://mondoo.com/) ShellScript/$BASH_VERSION ($OS $DISTRIBUTION)" detect_mondoo() { # Include possible installation locations in $PATH PATH=$PATH:/Library/Mondoo/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/bin:/opt/homebrew/sbin MONDOO_EXECUTABLE="$(command -v "$MONDOO_BINARY")" if [ -x "$MONDOO_EXECUTABLE" ]; then MONDOO_INSTALLED=true CURRENT_VERSION=$(cnspec version 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f2) else MONDOO_INSTALLED=false fi } # need to run this once initially detect_mondoo # Sudo command # ------------ # Used for all privileged calls. If the script is run as root, this is not required. if [ "$UID" = "0" ]; then sudo_cmd() { "$@" } else sudo_cmd() { if [ -x "$(command -v sudo)" ]; then sudo "$@" else red "This command needs to run with elevated privileges, but we could not find the 'sudo' command in your path (\$PATH)." echo "The command we tried to run is: $*" exit 1 fi } fi # Portable setup # -------------- detect_portable() { if [ -x "${MONDOO_BINARY}" ]; then MONDOO_EXECUTABLE="$(pwd)/${MONDOO_BINARY}" MONDOO_BINARY_PATH="./${MONDOO_BINARY}" MONDOO_INSTALLED=true fi } detect_latest_version() { MONDOO_LATEST_VERSION="$(curl https://releases.mondoo.com/${MONDOO_PKG_NAME}/ 2>/dev/null | grep -Eo 'href="[[:alnum:]]+\.[[:alnum:]]+\.[[:alnum:]]+' | head -n1 | sed 's/href="//')" } install_portable() { FAIL=false if [ ! -x "$(command -v tar)" ]; then FAIL=true red "This script needs the 'tar' command, but we could not find 'tar' in your path (\$PATH)." fi if [ ! -x "$(command -v curl)" ]; then FAIL=true red "This script needs the 'curl' command, but we could not find 'curl' in your path (\$PATH)." fi if [ $FAIL = true ]; then exit 1; fi case "$OS" in "macOS") SYSTEM="darwin" ;; *) SYSTEM="linux" ;; esac ARCH_DETECT="$(uname -m)" case "$ARCH_DETECT" in "x86_64") ARCH="amd64" ;; "i386") ARCH="386" ;; "aarch64_be") ARCH="arm64" ;; "aarch64") ARCH="arm64" ;; "armv8b") ARCH="arm64" ;; "armv8l") ARCH="arm64" ;; *) red "${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} does not support the (${ARCH_DETECT}) architecture." exit 1 ;; esac detect_latest_version FILE="${MONDOO_BINARY}_${MONDOO_LATEST_VERSION}_${SYSTEM}_${ARCH}.tar.gz" URL="https://releases.mondoo.com/${MONDOO_BINARY}/${MONDOO_LATEST_VERSION}/${FILE}" echo "Downloading the latest version of ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} from: $URL" curl -A "${UserAgent}" "${URL}" | tar xz detect_portable if [ -z "$MONDOO_EXECUTABLE" ]; then red "We could not find the '${MONDOO_BINARY}' executable in the present working directory." exit 1 fi purple_bold "We installed a portable version of ${MONDOO_BINARY} to $PWD" if [[ ":$PATH:" == ":$PWD:" ]]; then purple_bold "For convenience, add the following line to your .bashrc" purple_bold "export PATH=\$PATH:$PWD" fi } # macOS installer # --------------- configure_macos_installer() { # auto-detect installer type if [ "${MONDOO_INSTALLER}" == "" ] && [ -x "$(command -v brew)" ]; then MONDOO_INSTALLER="brew" else MONDOO_INSTALLER="pkg" fi # Brew may be installed but the pkg being used instead pkgutil --pkg-info=com.mondoo.client 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && MONDOO_INSTALLER="pkg" if [ "${MONDOO_INSTALLER}" == "brew" ]; then # Homebrew doesn't support empty metapackages, so we redefine the package name to cnspec MONDOO_PKG_NAME="cnspec" mondoo_install() { purple_bold "\n* Configuring brew sources for Mondoo Repository via 'brew tap'" brew tap mondoohq/mondoo purple_bold "\n* Installing ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} via 'brew install'" brew install ${MONDOO_PKG_NAME} -q } mondoo_update() { purple_bold "\n* Upgrade ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} via 'brew upgrade'" if brew tap | grep mondoolabs/mondoo >/dev/null; then purple_bold " - Legacy tap already exists, uninstalling Mondoo and re-installing from new tap" brew uninstall ${MONDOO_PKG_NAME} && brew untap mondoolabs/mondoo brew tap mondoohq/mondoo && brew install ${MONDOO_PKG_NAME} else brew upgrade ${MONDOO_PKG_NAME} -q fi } elif [ "${MONDOO_INSTALLER}" == "pkg" ]; then mondoo_install() { detect_latest_version if [[ "${CURRENT_VERSION}" != "${MONDOO_LATEST_VERSION}" ]] then FILE="${MONDOO_PKG_NAME}_${MONDOO_LATEST_VERSION}_darwin_universal.pkg" URL="https://releases.mondoo.com/${MONDOO_PKG_NAME}/${MONDOO_LATEST_VERSION}/${FILE}" purple_bold "\n* Downloading ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} Universal Package for Mac" curl -A "${UserAgent}" -s "${URL}" -o "/tmp/${FILE}" purple_bold "\n* Installing ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} via 'installer -pkg'" sudo_cmd /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "/tmp/${FILE}" -target / purple_bold "\n* Cleaning up downloaded package" rm "/tmp/${FILE}" else purple_bold "\n* Latest ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} is already installed." fi } mondoo_update() { mondoo_install "$@"; } fi } # Arch Linux installer # -------------------- configure_archlinux_installer() { if [ -x "$(command -v yay)" ]; then MONDOO_INSTALLER="yay" mondoo_install() { yay -S "${MONDOO_PKG_NAME}" } mondoo_update() { mondoo_install "$@"; } elif [ -x "$(command -v paru)" ]; then MONDOO_INSTALLER="paru" mondoo_install() { paru -S "${MONDOO_PKG_NAME}" } mondoo_update() { mondoo_install "$@"; } else MONDOO_INSTALLER="" mondoo_install() { red "Mondoo uses yay or paru to install on AUR, but we could not find either command in your path (\$PATH)." echo "You can install the ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} package manually from AUR, or use one of the above installers directly." exit 1 } mondoo_update() { mondoo_install "$@"; } fi } # RHEL installer # -------------- configure_rhel_installer() { if [ -x "$(command -v yum)" ]; then MONDOO_INSTALLER="yum" mondoo_install() { purple_bold "\n* Configuring YUM sources for Mondoo at /etc/yum.repos.d/mondoo.repo" curl -A "${UserAgent}" --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 -sSL https://releases.mondoo.com/rpm/mondoo.repo | sudo_cmd tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mondoo.repo purple_bold "\n* Installing ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME}" sudo_cmd yum install -y ${MONDOO_PKG_NAME} } mondoo_update() { sudo_cmd yum update -y ${MONDOO_PKG_NAME} } else MONDOO_INSTALLER="" mondoo_install() { red "Mondoo uses YUM to install on Red Hat Linux, but we could not find the 'yum' command in your path (\$PATH)." exit 1 } mondoo_update() { mondoo_install "$@"; } fi } # Debian installer # ---------------- configure_debian_installer() { if [ -x "$(command -v apt)" ]; then MONDOO_INSTALLER="apt" apt_update() { purple_bold "\n* Configuring APT package sources for Mondoo at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mondoo.list" APT_VERSION=$(dpkg-query --show --showformat '${Version}' apt) if dpkg --compare-versions "${APT_VERSION}" le 1.0.2; then curl -A "${UserAgent}" --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 -sSL https://releases.mondoo.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo_cmd apt-key add - echo "deb https://releases.mondoo.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo_cmd tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mondoo.list else curl -A "${UserAgent}" --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 -sSL https://releases.mondoo.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo_cmd gpg --dearmor --yes --output /usr/share/keyrings/mondoo-archive-keyring.gpg echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mondoo-archive-keyring.gpg] https://releases.mondoo.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo_cmd tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mondoo.list fi } mondoo_install() { purple_bold "\n* Installing prerequisites for Debian" sudo_cmd apt update -y sudo_cmd apt install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg curl apt_update purple_bold "\n* Installing ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME}" sudo_cmd apt update -y && sudo_cmd apt install -y ${MONDOO_PKG_NAME} } mondoo_update() { # Always update GPG Key & Apt Source for Freshness apt_update sudo_cmd apt update -y && sudo_cmd apt --only-upgrade install -y ${MONDOO_PKG_NAME} } else MONDOO_INSTALLER="" mondoo_install() { red "Mondoo uses APT to install on Debian Linux, but we could not find the 'apt' command in your path (\$PATH)." exit 1 } mondoo_update() { mondoo_install "$@"; } fi } # SUSE installer # -------------- configure_suse_installer() { if [ -x "$(command -v zypper)" ]; then MONDOO_INSTALLER="apt" mondoo_install() { purple_bold "\n* Configuring ZYPPER sources for Mondoo at /etc/zypp/repos.d/mondoo.repo" curl -A "${UserAgent}" --retry 3 --retry-delay 10 -sSL https://releases.mondoo.com/rpm/mondoo.repo | sudo_cmd tee /etc/zypp/repos.d/mondoo.repo # zypper does not recognize the gpg key reference from mondoo.repo properly, therefore we need to add this here manually sudo_cmd rpm --import https://releases.mondoo.com/rpm/pubkey.gpg purple_bold "\n* Installing ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME}" sudo_cmd zypper -n install ${MONDOO_PKG_NAME} } mondoo_update() { sudo_cmd zypper -n update ${MONDOO_PKG_NAME} } else MONDOO_INSTALLER="" mondoo_install() { red "Mondoo uses ZYPPER to install on SUSE Linux, but we could not find the 'zypper' command in your path (\$PATH)." exit 1 } mondoo_update() { mondoo_install "$@"; } fi } # CloudShell installer # -------------- configure_cloudshell_installer() { MONDOO_INSTALLER="tar" mondoo_install() { install_dir="$HOME/.local/bin" purple_bold "\n* Installing ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} to $install_dir" mkdir -p "$install_dir" (cd "${install_dir}" || exit 1; install_portable) PATH="$PATH:$install_dir" } mondoo_update() { mondoo_install } configure_linux_token() { purple_bold "\n* Authenticate with Mondoo Platform" config_path="$HOME/.config/mondoo" mkdir -p "$config_path" ${MONDOO_BINARY_PATH} login --config "$config_path/mondoo.yml" --token "$MONDOO_REGISTRATION_TOKEN" --timer "$TIMER" --splay "$SPLAY" } } # Post-install actions # -------------------- detect_mondoo_registered() { if [ "$( ${MONDOO_BINARY_PATH} status >/dev/null 2>&1 echo $? )" -eq "0" ]; then MONDOO_IS_REGISTERED=true else MONDOO_IS_REGISTERED=false fi } configure_token() { if [ -z "${MONDOO_REGISTRATION_TOKEN}" ]; then echo -e "\n* No registration token provided, skipping Mondoo Platform authentication." return fi detect_mondoo_registered if [ "$MONDOO_IS_REGISTERED" = true ]; then purple_bold "\n* ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} is already logged-in. Skipping login" purple_bold "(you can manually run '${MONDOO_BINARY} login' to re-authenticate)." config_path="$HOME/.config/mondoo" if [ "$MONDOO_SERVICE" = "enable" ] && [ "$OS" = "macOS" ]; then sudo_cmd cp "$config_path/mondoo.yml" /Library/Mondoo/etc/mondoo.yml fi return fi if [ "$OS" = "macOS" ]; then configure_macos_token else configure_linux_token fi detect_mondoo_registered if [ "$MONDOO_IS_REGISTERED" = true ]; then purple_bold "\n* ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} was successfully registered." else red "\n* Failed to register ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME}. Please reach out in the Mondoo Community GitHub Discussions - https://github.com/orgs/mondoohq/discussions." exit 1 fi } configure_macos_token() { purple_bold "\n* Authenticate with Mondoo Platform" config_path="$HOME/.config/mondoo" mkdir -p "$config_path" ${MONDOO_BINARY_PATH} login --config "$config_path/mondoo.yml" --token "$MONDOO_REGISTRATION_TOKEN" --timer "$TIMER" --splay "$SPLAY" if [ "$MONDOO_SERVICE" = "enable" ]; then sudo_cmd cp "$config_path/mondoo.yml" /Library/Mondoo/etc/mondoo.yml fi } configure_linux_token() { purple_bold "\n* Authenticate with Mondoo Platform" sudo_cmd mkdir -p "/etc/opt/mondoo/" sudo_cmd ${MONDOO_BINARY_PATH} login --config /etc/opt/mondoo/mondoo.yml --token "$MONDOO_REGISTRATION_TOKEN" --timer "$TIMER" --splay "$SPLAY" if [ "$(cat /proc/1/comm)" = "init" ]; then purple_bold "\n* Restart upstart service" sudo_cmd stop mondoo || true sudo_cmd start mondoo || true elif [ "$(cat /proc/1/comm)" = "systemd" ]; then purple_bold "\n* Restart systemd service" sudo_cmd systemctl restart cnspec.service else red "\nWe could not detect your process supervisor. If ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} is running as a service, you will need to restart it manually." fi } postinstall_check() { detect_mondoo if [ "$MONDOO_INSTALLED" = false ]; then red "${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} installation failed (can't find the ${MONDOO_BINARY} binary)." exit 1 fi echo "${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} installation completed." } # Service config action # --------------------- service() { if [ "$OS" = "macOS" ]; then purple_bold "\n* Enable and start the mondoo service" # Remove old launchd plists sudo_cmd launchctl bootout system/com.mondoo.client sudo_cmd rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mondoo.client.plist # Create the new launchd Mondoo service to run cnspec every hour sudo_cmd tee /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mondoo.client.plist < Label com.mondoo.client ProgramArguments /Library/Mondoo/bin/cnspec serve --config /Library/Mondoo/etc/mondoo.yml RunAtLoad StandardOutPath /var/log/mondoo.log StandardErrorPath /var/log/mondoo.log EOL sleep 5 sudo_cmd launchctl bootstrap system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mondoo.client.plist sudo_cmd launchctl start com.mondoo.client elif [ "$OS" = "Arch" ]; then purple_bold "\n* Enable and start the mondoo service" sudo_cmd systemctl enable mondoo.service sudo_cmd systemctl restart mondoo.service sudo_cmd systemctl daemon-reload else purple_bold "\n* Enable and start the cnspec service" sudo_cmd systemctl enable cnspec.service sudo_cmd systemctl restart cnspec.service sudo_cmd systemctl daemon-reload fi } # Auto updater config action # -------------------------- autoupdater() { purple_bold "\n* Enable and start the mondoo auto updater service" if [ "$OS" = "macOS" ]; then ## Remove old launchd plists sudo_cmd launchctl bootout system/com.mondoo.autoupdater sudo_cmd rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mondoo.autoupdater.plist sudo_cmd curl -sSL https://install.mondoo.com/sh -o /Library/Mondoo/bin/mondoo-updater.sh sudo_cmd chmod a+x /Library/Mondoo/bin/mondoo-updater.sh sudo_cmd tee /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mondoo.autoupdater.plist < Label com.mondoo.autoupdater EnvironmentVariables PATH /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin ProgramArguments /Library/Mondoo/bin/mondoo-updater.sh -i pkg -s enable StartInterval 86400 StandardOutPath /var/log/mondoo-updater.log StandardErrorPath /var/log/mondoo-updater.log EOL sleep 5 sudo_cmd launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mondoo.autoupdater.plist sudo_cmd launchctl start /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mondoo.autoupdater.plist elif [ "$OS" = "RedHat" ] || [ "$OS" = "Debian" ] || [ "$OS" = "Suse" ]; then sudo_cmd tee /etc/cron.weekly/mondoo-update < /var/log/mondoo-updater.log curl -sSL https://install.mondoo.com/sh | bash -s -- -s enable >> /var/log/mondoo-updater.log EOL sudo_cmd chmod a+x /etc/cron.weekly/mondoo-update fi } finalize_setup() { # Authenticate with Mondoo platform if a registration token is provided configure_token # Enable Service if [ "$MONDOO_SERVICE" = "enable" ]; then service fi # Enable Mondoo auto updater if [ "$MONDOO_AUTOUPDATER" = "enable" ]; then autoupdater fi # Display final message purple_bold "\n${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} is ready to go!" # Deprecated: Only relevant for installing the mondoo package, warn the user to login. Do not warn open source users. if [ "$MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME" = "mondoo package for cnquery and cnspec" ]; then detect_mondoo_registered if [ "$MONDOO_IS_REGISTERED" = false ]; then echo lightblue_bold "Your journey is only beginning! Register this asset with Mondoo to gain access to policies, reports, and more features." lightblue_bold "To learn more, go to: " echo lightblue_bold "https://mondoo.com/docs/cnspec/cnspec-adv-install/registration/" echo else echo lightblue_bold " Run 'cnspec scan local' to scan localhost, or learn more in our\n quick start docs: https://mondoo.com/docs/" echo fi else echo lightblue_bold "Run the following command to scan this system:" echo echo -e "${MONDOO_BINARY} scan" echo lightblue_bold "Learn more in our quick start guides: https://mondoo.com/docs/" echo fi } # Determine which OS installer we are going to use if [[ "$OS" = "macOS" ]]; then configure_macos_installer elif [[ "$OS" = "Arch" ]]; then configure_archlinux_installer elif [[ "$OS" = "RedHat" ]]; then configure_rhel_installer elif [[ "$OS" = "Debian" ]]; then configure_debian_installer elif [[ "$OS" = "Suse" ]]; then configure_suse_installer elif [[ "$OS" = "AWSCloudShell" ]]; then configure_cloudshell_installer else purple "Your operating system is not yet supported by this installer." exit 1 fi # Mondoo installation / update # ---------------------------- if [ $MONDOO_INSTALLED = true ]; then purple_bold "\n* ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} is already installed. Updating Mondoo..." mondoo_update "$@"; finalize_setup exit 0 fi if [ -z "${MONDOO_INSTALLER}" ]; then red "Cannot determine which installer to use. Exiting." exit 1 fi purple_bold "\n* Installing ${MONDOO_PRODUCT_NAME} via $MONDOO_INSTALLER" mondoo_install postinstall_check finalize_setup